Department of Islamic History & Culture

Glimpse of the Department of Islamic History and Culture

Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100

Islamic History and Culture, is one of the distinguished departments of the faculty of Arts, Jagannath University which was inaugurated on the eve of the foundation of the Jagannath University in 2005. In Jagannath College, B.A. and M.A. course in Islamic History and Culture was started in 1972. Formally B.A. (Hons) was opened in 1985 when Jagannath was one of the leading university colleges of Bangladesh. Within the fold of Faculty of Arts, Jagannath University, the Department of Islamic History and Culture was established in 2005 under the Supervision and Head of Professor Jahanahara Begum. Professor Dr. Md. Atiar Rahman is now the Chairman of the Department.

Since the inauguration of the Jagannath University, the Dept. of Islamic History and Culture have introduced semester system course both in Hones and Masters Level. The Masters curriculum was streamlined to form three groups each having distinct themes-Group A: Modern Muslim States, Group B: Sociological History of Islam and Group C: Islamic Art and Archaelogy. Besides these. M Phil and PhD research programmes are also being offered by the Department.

To bring the Department at present teaches the modern broad-based and scientific education prevalent in the advanced countries, new courses have also been introduced in the curriculum, viz; Modern Muslim World and Globalization; Women and Islam and Muslim Minority in the Contemporary World. Most of the teachers are younger who are very inclined to research and work together as a team and strive hard for further advancement of the Department through dedicated teaching and devoted research.